
Archive for October 15th, 2012

Do you realise that relaxing your body and mind are important? As we work hard each day, we also need time to relax and unwind with light activities like reading a book, write a poem, paint a picture, nit a coat (as its relaxing to nit), or watch your favourite TV program.

We need to cultivate a relaxing relationship with our family and friends, as enjoying good relationship with people is important and healthy to the mind and body.  We need love by nature as we learn to relax with our family. Doing things together with them, like shopping or marketing can be most relaxing, as you communicate and relate with your loved ones, which brings healing to your total being.

Exercise is also a very relaxing thing to do, as you exert your muscles and bring total health to your body. Swimming is one good way and so is walking and jogging. Doing it with friends is even better as you relax with them in the physical activity. Going for a movie is also one good way to enjoy your relationship with friends.

Outings is a very relaxing activity as you visit the zoo, bird-park or botanical garden. Nature soothes our environment as it brings relaxation to the mind. Watching the animals and wild flowers is one good way to relate to nature, which causes our body to relax. As we involve our eyes and ears to see and listen to nature, it is very therapeutic to the mind.

During the weekend, catch up with friends for a cup of coffee and learn to relate and bond with people. Watch people pass by the mall and try to capture the happenings in the crowd as you will observe some exciting happenings, like baby crying or a couple quarrelling. As we watch people, we relax our mind and learn some of the interactive ways from others.

Try visiting your relatives or friends and pay them a surprise visit and build your relationship with them. Learn to be interactive, as it relaxes the mood and balances the hormones in your body. The best way to heal a relationship is to communicate and relate with the people that you feel uneasy with. Interaction opens you up to people and helps you to relax.

Work your purpose everyday and try to do something different every week and you’ll find yourself more relaxing and stable in the mind. Another way is to help your mother clean the house, as house-hold activity exercises the body that causes you to perspire and brings ease and relaxation to your body as you releases the toxins in your body. It is one form of activities that not only brings cleanliness to the house but also brought peace of mind to the home.

Whatever you do, learn to relax and calm your mind with the activities around your surroundings, and learn to cope with whatever circumstances that you may be facing, and allow yourself to unwind and capture the relaxing mood in you as you relate, do and exercise your body. The best relaxation is to bring yourself to do whatever you don’t feel like doing and beat the mood in you, and cause your body system to work for you. This is the best way to elevate your mood with warms and cheers to both yourself and to others too.

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