
Archive for October, 2012

Do you, like everyone else lose your temper? Everyone, in one way or the other has loss his or her temper before. But what causes us to be angry and why is it that sometimes it’s uncontrollable?

However, there is one kind of temper which is volatile and explosive, and it is full of wrath and rage that causes people to do things that made them regret later. Rage, if it is uncontrollable, will lead to bad relationships with others, as the person will drive away all their friends.

Is there anyway that one can control her/his temper without the detrimental effects on one’s relationship? Broken marriages are due to bad relationships, and anger usually is the causing factor. Anger, if not controlled, will lead to bad character and one is unable to enjoy life if anger controls the person.

How then can we control our temper? First, check the trigger points that cause you to lose your temper. Secondly, count the number of times that you lose your temper within the day and measure the anger level by recognizing why it happens. Ask yourself, why am I angry and check the reasons behind it. As you try to understand yourself better, you’ll find that you can make a concerted effort to control your temper.

It is easier said than done, and however ways you may try to control yourself, you’ll find that you will lose your tongue and said nasty things that you yourself would not want to hear. How then, can we really conquer our temper if humanly speaking, we may try, but however way it is, it always leads us to lose our cool?

Sin is the controlling factor that is the cause of mankind’s failure in their character. We inherited it from Adam and Eve, our first parent on the earth when God created them in the beginning. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit that God said that they should not eat, and thus causing the downfall of men.

Therefore, your anger is due to spiritual reason. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We don’t have to teach young children to be angry but they are automatically angry when they want milk or do not have things their way. The nature of anger is within us and we need to address this issue lest anger destroys us.

The best way to conquer it is to give your anger back to God. Tell Him, “God, I can’t help to be angry, so please help me not to be angry.” If this is your heart cry, then God can help you. However, if you choose to remain the way you are, then you are responsible for your own behaviour.

In order to have good relationships with our family members and to have a good network of friends, we must keep our tempers at bay. We must not let anger destroy us. We must cultivate good character so that others will appreciate who we are. It is better to have friends than to be alone.

The next time you want to be angry, watch your words. Be determined to overcome your temper and make a habit to say sorry when you wronged others when you lost your temper. In this way you do not offend others and you can maintain good relationship with people.

When you want to shout and scream if somebody steps on your toe, think about the consequences of your relationship with people, and you’ll think twice of your temper if you want to maintain relationship and have lots of friends.

It is better to give your temper to God rather than struggle it on your own. You cannot make it without God’s help. He is waiting for you to ask Him to come and help.

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Do you set goals for yourself? I know of people who have a hundred and one things to do, and seems to hit at whatever targets that they hope to achieve without aim and direction. Do you have so many things that you want to do that you miss the very mark of what you really hope to accomplice for your year’s goal?

Are you one who easily take on tasks that you ultimately miss doing what you should do on those areas that you know you should spend time on? There are so many things that we want to do but how do you measure what are the important tasks that you should spend time concentrating on doing? One of the secrets of success is not to be distracted. How do you streamline to do one task at a time that the goal that you set will be accomplished?

How do we measure the day’s work, to do as much as we can and have a satisfying day? Before you begin your day, evaluate the day’s task by importance to the things that you know you should work on. Measure the tasks in areas of importance for the day, measure by the week to the end of the month. In another word, have you accomplished your goal for the month by the things that you know you ought to be doing daily. We can waste a lot of precious time doing the to-do-list for the day, as we miss out on the important, and priority of the things that we know we need to be doing that will help us accomplice our tasks faster and meet our goals. In another word, do we have goals for the day, the week and the month?

Setting goal will help us do what is most important that sets the pace for success for the day and for the month. What is your goal for the year? Break the goal down to sizeable task that can be done through careful planning that will help see your goal accomplished. Plan your project with the year’s timetable in mind and work those goals through doable daily tasks. You need a big picture to see what you want done and meet your goals. With the big picture, set your tasks for the month and for the week, breaking it down to daily tasks.

The problem with us is that we have so many things that we want to do that we fail to measure the importance from the not so important. We have a huge plate of tasks to do that eventually we fail to measure up what is the most important that will help us reach our goals. Our goals must be measurable that it can meet the requirements for us to accomplice them. In another word, can this task for the day and weekly, to monthly measure my success for the year? The problem with most people is that they are hitting at thin air, trying to get as much accomplice without a sizable goal, without the big picture in mind. You can’t accomplice much if you try to do so many things without a set goal in mind. We want to do everything, but we fail to spend time doing the most important that will help us measure our success.

What are you trying to accomplice for the year? Begin to set priorities as to what you want to achieve for the year, and set your goals to meet them. Your goals mean everything to you because you are measuring your successes out of the goals that you plan for the year. Without a goal, you are hitting at thin air, trying to get as much done and yet not knowing how you should get nearer to the goals that you plan for the year. Are you busy running through the day, getting very little done and yet seemingly seems to be very busy? Beware of the busy-syndrome, it gets nothing accomplished. Don’t get busy, get motivated for the day’s tasks that are worth your time doing them. This spells success.

Ultimately your goals must bring in the income that you plan to have, and success means meeting your targets for the tasks to bring in the revenue that you really want. In another word, you plan your successes materially through what you will get done to achieve that goal that you plan for yourself. Your monetary gain must measure up with the amount of work that you put in. Simply put, you accomplish those tasks through the big picture of what you want to earn for yourself.

Do you have the big picture of what you want to accomplish? Have you measure your tasks through the months, down to the weeks and days? Are you focus in your tasks, or are you running everywhere trying to get everything done? Plan your work and plan to succeed. You will never fail if only you will measure your success through the goals that you breakdown for yourself. If you have a big picture of your goal for the year, than you can work towards it and infinitely you will succeed. It’s up to you to work your plan and plan your work.

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Do you realise that relaxing your body and mind are important? As we work hard each day, we also need time to relax and unwind with light activities like reading a book, write a poem, paint a picture, nit a coat (as its relaxing to nit), or watch your favourite TV program.

We need to cultivate a relaxing relationship with our family and friends, as enjoying good relationship with people is important and healthy to the mind and body.  We need love by nature as we learn to relax with our family. Doing things together with them, like shopping or marketing can be most relaxing, as you communicate and relate with your loved ones, which brings healing to your total being.

Exercise is also a very relaxing thing to do, as you exert your muscles and bring total health to your body. Swimming is one good way and so is walking and jogging. Doing it with friends is even better as you relax with them in the physical activity. Going for a movie is also one good way to enjoy your relationship with friends.

Outings is a very relaxing activity as you visit the zoo, bird-park or botanical garden. Nature soothes our environment as it brings relaxation to the mind. Watching the animals and wild flowers is one good way to relate to nature, which causes our body to relax. As we involve our eyes and ears to see and listen to nature, it is very therapeutic to the mind.

During the weekend, catch up with friends for a cup of coffee and learn to relate and bond with people. Watch people pass by the mall and try to capture the happenings in the crowd as you will observe some exciting happenings, like baby crying or a couple quarrelling. As we watch people, we relax our mind and learn some of the interactive ways from others.

Try visiting your relatives or friends and pay them a surprise visit and build your relationship with them. Learn to be interactive, as it relaxes the mood and balances the hormones in your body. The best way to heal a relationship is to communicate and relate with the people that you feel uneasy with. Interaction opens you up to people and helps you to relax.

Work your purpose everyday and try to do something different every week and you’ll find yourself more relaxing and stable in the mind. Another way is to help your mother clean the house, as house-hold activity exercises the body that causes you to perspire and brings ease and relaxation to your body as you releases the toxins in your body. It is one form of activities that not only brings cleanliness to the house but also brought peace of mind to the home.

Whatever you do, learn to relax and calm your mind with the activities around your surroundings, and learn to cope with whatever circumstances that you may be facing, and allow yourself to unwind and capture the relaxing mood in you as you relate, do and exercise your body. The best relaxation is to bring yourself to do whatever you don’t feel like doing and beat the mood in you, and cause your body system to work for you. This is the best way to elevate your mood with warms and cheers to both yourself and to others too.

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Life is good. It depends on how you look at it. Trials and difficulties are inevitable in life. However, your outlook depends very much on how you handle it.

All of us face difficulties. Problems do not melt us, it molds and shapes us. Overcoming obstacles in life require inner strength and wisdom. When all go wrong, who or where do we look up to?

Family is where the essence of life begins. However, we usually look to our peers or spouse for solutions to life’s problems. Talking out our pains brings relief. It helps to ease the pain. It is a source of encouragement when the other person shows concern and care and gives advice that helps.

How then do we look to life when all else might fail us? Where do you take comfort from? Sometimes our struggles are unforeseeable. Financial problem may creeps at us, or we fear the future ahead because of high-rise price in the economy. Transport cost may be more costly due to the raise of oil prices, and food items like bread, corn, and others have increased due to famine and drought in the producing countries. The world is not getting any better, as natural disasters like earthquakes are erupting all over the world, in many parts of the regions.

With such uncertainties, will our life be the same as before? Anxiety may hit us and we’re probably more fear-prone than ever. What does the future hold for us, and will life be ever the same again?

We live in an uncertain world and when sicknesses or diseases hit us, are we able to withstand the pressure of life? Our only hope is in God. Only God can protect us from such a sinful world, as we are marked by the sinfulness of men. Sin is the cause of all these problems that we face in life. However, Jesus has come to this world to eradicate sin. He died a cruel death on the cross in order that your sin and my sin are forgiven. When we believe in Him, we shall be saved.

The uncertainty of life is only temporary, as we have a better home call heaven when we leave this world. As our sins have been forgiven by Jesus when we accept Him, we can then enter into paradise with Him. But first, acknowledge that you are a sinner and reach out to touch Jesus and ask Him to take away all your sins. It’s good to live a sin-free life, as Jesus is able to help us with our weaknesses when we surrender our lives to Him. All you have to do is just to open yourself up to Him and allow Him to take you just where you are at right now. Invite Jesus into your life and you’ll never be the same again.

I hope you’ll find joy in Jesus. He is your only hope. Apart from Him, life is uncertain and full of problems and heartaches. Jesus understands how you feel. You may go through a difficult trial right now, but know that God cares for you and He will meet your very needs. Open up your heart to Jesus and invite Him to come into your life right now. He will meet your needs and give you abundant life. This abundant life is in Him if only you will reach out to Him and receive it. Search no longer, Jesus is your very need.

Have problems affected you from where you were in the past? Have the sorrows of life led you deeper and deeper into depression, anguish and pain? God knows your heart and He wants to meet you just where you are at. Look to Him and you will look no more for answers in life because your answers are in Him.

Look up and let the Almighty direct and guide your life and you will never be the same again.

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How do you view work? Do you enjoy your vocation and job, or do you drag yourself to the office everyday? How you feel and view your work is very important. You face your day daily with the work that is before you, and you either look forward to it or you feel the dread of your day, sulking and feeling remorse.

All of us have our dream job. But however, sometimes we fall into the category where we work just to survive. Money may be the reason why we work. Imagine how dreary it will be when you work just to keep you going for the years to come, and yet there is no real joy and satisfaction in your work. What do you do to get out of this syndrome?

How you view work would be how you view life. Your life is your work. You spend three quarters of your life working and work is part of you. How then would you enjoy your life’s work so that your work has meaning and it brings significance to your life?

You can enjoy your moments of work if you take the time to muse over what you are doing. In another word, you deliberately savour every moment of your time in your work with pleasure. You do not take your responsibility as a chore, but rather a delight because you know how to enjoy every moment of your time in what you are doing. You treasure the work load without feeling stress-out, and you know how to priortise what you are doing. The importance of your task comes first and not the urgent. You know how to set pace for yourself and you determine the amount of time that you want to take to accomplish that task. You know how to enjoy every moment of your time at what you are doing and there is no pressure.

Your attitude makes up your work. How you feel would be how you would have worked. If you are positive and strive to do the best out of an excellent spirit, you know you have done your best and the end result is satisfaction. You place priority in what you see as benefits in what you do, and you excel in it as you use your God-given talents to work out the best in your tasks and endeavours. You are the most satisfied person if you enjoy your work as that makes you successful and rich in all your ways.

You can only enjoy your work if you have a plan and goal to look forward to. A goal is a guide to your final destination. You plan what you want to do and work out your plan. You are a strategist and you know how to work out your own plans. Success only comes through diligent hard work where you have a set goal to look forward to. A plan serves as a guideline for you to chart your course in whatever that you plan to succeed. As you plan your work, you can be sure that you will work your plans. The thing that you need now is perseverance and diligent hard work. You can never fail if you plan to work your best and enjoy the tasks that you are doing.

All of us want to enjoy our work. Set in the motion to have a right attitude and have a road map for your goals, and you will see yourself reaching the end of the rope that you are holding, and success will just knock at your door, and you can be the most satisfied person on this earth.

As you succeed in your work life, you too will succeed in your family life; as a well-balanced and well-taught person that only sees success as the ultimate aim in all that you do.

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